by Bob Foreman © 2013
Native Atlanta artist James McLaughlin Way, Jr. is the ultimate triple threat: a prodigy, an orphan and a charmer.
To quote from his bio on the site of his exclusive rep, Mason Murer Fine Art, “James, at the age of nine began attending the Atlanta School of Art, and, at twelve, North Carolina’s Brevard College. At nineteen he was selected for advance studies in illustration at the Portfolio Center, after which he began his professional career as an illustrator.” His attainments in that field include winning Clios, Addys and Gold Gamma.
But, the site continues, “James’ passion is painting.” To save reading a thousand words, check out his stunningly beautiful works at waystudios.com.
His father James Senior was brought to Atlanta by veteran producer Christopher Manos (still going strong, incidentally) to act as Production Stage Manager for the epic opener of the Arts Alliance (now Woodruff) theatre arm, the stage production of King Arthur. James, Junior was born in that autumn of 1968, becoming his father’s second major Atlanta production.
Way went on to become an Atlanta stage director of enormous esteem, while his wife Sally gave birth to Caitlin and Siobhan, besides being PR Director for the Atlanta Ballet and producing Christmas food-raisers to provide holiday meals for the needy. James’ father died suddenly of a heart attack in 1978, and Sally followed suit, after a four year battle with cancer in 1982, leaving the three children orphans.
They were adopted, according to Sally’s plan, by a local couple who raised them.
James Junior’s description of his artistic process gives one an idea of his intellectual and spiritual depth. “I become lost amidst the infinite number of possibilities and new impressions. You already know what art means because you see it with your heart, not your head. Trust your heart, and try to look without words as I wish for you the fulfillment of all of a free heart’s desire.” James studio is located in the heart of Virginia Highlands, as is his heart.